Four retold African folk tales about Ijapa, a loveable trickster, including ‘Why Worms Are Blind’ and ‘Why Elephants Have Small Eyes.’ Each story has a moral at the end, together with some fun activities. This book is illustrated with black and white pictures and written in comic sans font, which is suitable for children with dyslexia. It is also suitable for independent young readers and as a resource for parents and teachers at bedtime, story time, guided reading, and Black History (Preschool, KS1, and KS2)
“This book is fun, descriptive, and educational with a moral at the end of each story. One of my favourite parts is where the author describes all the different things that traditional Nigerian families do in the introduction.”
Zoe aged 9.
Tales of Ijapa the Tortoise
Four retold African folk tales about Ijapa, a loveable trickster, including ‘Why Worms Are Blind’ and ‘Why Elephants Have Small Eyes.’ Each story has a moral at the end, together with some fun activities. This book is illustrated with black and white pictures and written in comic sans font, which is suitable for children with dyslexia. It is also suitable for independent young readers and as a resource for parents and teachers at bedtime, story time, guided reading, and Black History (Preschool, KS1, and KS2)